I love stories. Humans of New York is one of my favorite sites. Maria Papova’s Brain Pickings is a tribute to longer form nonfiction “storytelling” and is one of my weekly reads on Sundays. Storytelling, whether fiction or nonfiction,  is a wonderful way to think on the page and thenRead More →

  Dear Friends, My husband, Steve, and I moved to Nanuet over thirty years ago. We built our home in a new development where neighbors became fast friends. We enjoyed three-day block parties, cookie parties, celebrations of births and milestones in our children’s lives, and supported one another through difficult times. I knowRead More →

I added a new piece of movable “furniture” to my office two days ago.  The rolling cart has seven wire baskets that hold my current working documents, professional, and recreational reading and Moleskin notebooks. I added the wire mesh baskets  that hang off the sides via magnets.  My iPad sits onRead More →

I was not looking for the two paragraphs I am going to share from a 1994 article entitled, “Democracy and the Teaching of Argument” written from a British perspective. The article starts out, as expected with a definition of argumentation, includes a great list of why we argue — theRead More →

Osborne, Simone,  et al., (2013) share important lessons learned during a recent study which considered teacher professional development to support student dialog in small groups to encourage reasoning for argumentation. The time it takes for teachers to become proficient in new instructional practices and for those instructional approaches to impactRead More →

Juliana is 21 today. Love her to pieces. She sent a video recounting some adventures in Thailand. Thailand and Malaysia from Juliana Chauncey on Vimeo. videos from travels in Thailand and Malaysia chronologically -Bangkok -Koh Sichang -Koh Phangan -Kanchanaburi -Ayutthaya -Krabi -Koh Phi Phi -Kuala Lumpur -Cameron Highlands -PenangRead More →

Several posts came across my email this week and they seem to share a common thread — the importance of relationships in a sometimes disconnected world. Shirley Turkle speaks of this in her book Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other. Also listen to Turkle’sRead More →