- Armstrong, Thomas - Seven Kinds of Smart
- Bennett, William J. et.al. - The Educated Child
- Bestor, Arthur - The Restoration of Learning (out of print)
- Botstein, Leon - Jefferson's Children
- Bluestein, Jane - Creating Emotionally Safe Schools
- Brooks, Robert; Sam Goldstein - Raising Resilient Children
- Coles, Robert - Moral Intelligence
- Campbell, Don - The Mozart Effect
- Caine, Renate & Geoffrey Caine - Education On the Edge of Possibility
- Chall, Jeanne S. - The Academic Achievement Challenge
- Cunningham, Patricia M.; Richard Allington - Classrooms that Work
- Cromer, Alan - Connected Knowledge
- Damon, William - Greater Expectations
- Darling-Hammond, Linda - The Right to Learn
- Fiske, Edward - Smart Schools, Smart Kids
- Garbarino, James - Lost Boys
- Gardner, Howard
- Gerstner, Louis V. - Reinventing Education
- Gilligan, Carol - In a Different Voice
- Glasser, William - The Quality School
- Goldman, Daniel - Emotional Intelligence
- Hirsch, E.D.
- Martz, Larry - Making Schools Better
- Marzano, Robert J. et al
- McGuinness, Diane
- Pappert, Seymour
- Perelman, Lewis J. - Schools Out
- Pipher, Mary - Reviving Ophelia
- Postman, Neil - The End of Education
- Resnick, Michael - The Educated Student
- Rogers, Carl - On Becoming a Person
- Schlechty, Phillip C. - Inventing Better Schools
- Simmons, Rachel - Odd Girl Out
- Sizer, Theodore R. - Horace's School
- Speece, Deborah L.; Barbara K. Keogh - Research on Classroom Ecologies
- Sykes, Charles J. - Dumbing Down Our Kids
- Thompson, Michael - Best Friends, Worst Enemies
- Tomlinson, Carol Ann - The Differentiated Classroom
- Olivier, Carolyn; Rosemary F. Bowler - Learning to Learn
- Wiggins, Grant; Jay McTighe - Understanding By Design
- Wild, Rebecca - Raising Curious, Creative, Confident Kids
- Winner, Ellen - Gifted Children
- Alesandrini, Kathryn - Survive Information Overload
- Brown, John Seely - The Social Life of Information
- Christensen, Clayton M. - The Innovators Dilemma
- Collins, Jim - Good to Great
- Covey, Stephen - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- Davenport, Thomas, John, C. Beck - Attention Economy
- Davis, Stan - The Monster Under the Bed
- Gladwell, Malcolm - Tipping Point
- Hagel,John III , et al- Out of the Box
- Harding, Ford - Rain Making
- Jackson, Tim - Inside Intel
- James, Jennifer - Thinking in the Future Tense
- Locke, Christopher - Cluetrain Manifesto
- McGehee, Tom Jr. - Whoosh - Business in the Fast Lane
- Michaelson, Gerald A. - The Art of War for Managers
- Penizias, Arnold - Ideas & Information (out of print)
- Reid, Peter C. - Well Made in America
- Rheingold, Howard - Smart Mobs
- Rosen, Emanuel - The Anatomy of Buzz
- Senge, Peter
- Seybold, Partricia, et al - Customers.com
- Waterman, Robert H. - In Search of Excellence
- Weinberger, David - Small Pieces Loosely Joined
- Wurman, Saul - Information Anxiety
Numerous Marketing, Web related, Programming books.